Drug Addiction Rehab in Old Bridge, NJ

Drug addiction is a complex process of physiological, psychological, emotional, and social dependence on a chemical substance. Drug rehab in Old Bridge uses the latest science and evidenced-based approaches to helping individuals overcome drug addiction, so that they have the greatest chances of long-term, relapse-free living after treatment.

The compassionate, knowledgeable staff at Old Bridge can help both individuals and their loved ones cope with the life-long process of drug addiction recovery.

What Is Drug Rehab?

Drug rehab is a process in which medical and psychological treatments are used to reduce dependency on addiction substances like alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and prescription drugs.

The process usually begins by focusing on the short-term effects of giving up a substance of abuse including cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and physiologic responses to withdrawal. After the acute phase of recovery is over, drug rehab shifts focus onto long-term sobriety by addressing emotional and social factors that lead to drug use and relapse.

Treatment at this stage often focuses on treating underlying risk factors for drugs use, such as depression and anxiety, as well as providing long-term coping mechanisms that help individuals and their families mitigate the risk of relapse and deal with it if it does happen. Our relapse prevention programs in Old Bridge teach these coping skills to patients to prevent them from relapsing after or during treatment.

Common Drugs of Abuse

Drug rehab treatment centers may work to treat addiction in general or may focus on specific drugs of abuse like heroin or prescription medications. Drug rehab in Old Bridge takes a more focused approach because the psychosocial factors that influence drug addiction can differ between one substance and the next, making focused treatment more effective.

New Jersey, due to its proximity to New York City, has easy access to illicit drugs of all sorts. Currently, the biggest issue facing New Jersey (the entire Northeast in fact) is the use of heroin. Despite the rise in the use of heroin, many people in New Jersey still suffer from addiction to marijuana and crack cocaine.

Though the crack cocaine epidemic has eased off in many areas of the country, it continues to be a problem in New Jersey. Use of heroin increased beginning in 1993 and has continued to increase throughout the 21st century. What most people don't realize is that while urban use of heroin decreased over this time, suburban/rural use increased dramatically. The heroin epidemic is very much a suburban problem.

Drug Treatment Options

There are two basic ways to treat drug addiction: Inpatient and Outpatient. Outpatient treatment simple means that the individual is free to go home every night and often only has treatment sessions for a few hours each day. With treatment at our inpatient rehab at Old Bridge, the individual is admitted to our facility spends 100% of his or her time focusing on recovery.

Outpatient treatment is best suited to individuals with strong social support and those who cannot enter inpatient treatment due to occupational, legal, or family impediments. In general, inpatient treatment, such as drug rehab in Old Bridge, provides the best chances of both short-term remission and long-term success.

Inpatient drug addiction rehab provides individuals with isolation both from the stresses of their lives and from the temptation to return to drug use. This allows inpatient drug rehab programs to focus on individual health needs and emotional requirements. Individuals are given the tools to address their addiction and deal with its underlying causes before returning to a world where the opportunity to use drugs is very real.

Why Enter a Drug Rehab in Old Bridge?

The basic reason for entering drug rehab is to overcome addiction. Addiction is not just a threat to an individual's health, but to his or her career, relationships, and personal well-being. Simply put, drug rehab offers people the best chance of kicking drug addiction and returning to a happy, fulfilling life.

Despite the negative impacts of drug use and the benefits of drug rehab, many people avoid drug rehab treatment centers. The primary reason for avoiding treatment, particularly in a drug rehab facility, is that many people who suffer from addiction do not want to admit that their substance use is a problem. To admit to addiction is, for many people, an admission of failure.

It can be embarrassing and most people think that they can stop any time they want to. A large portion of drug users are high-functioning addicts who maintain their livelihoods and relationships for long periods until everything comes crashing down. These people are often the most resistant to treatment because they think they have everything under control.

Other reasons to avoid drug rehab treatment centers include cost concerns, work commitments, and refusal to give up something that is rewarding (people wouldn't use drugs if there wasn't some reward). Cost concerns are easily dealt with. While drug rehab treatment centers are expensive, the cost of seeking treatment is less, particularly over the long-term, than the cost of addiction as it relates to purchasing the substance, job loss, health care expenses, and so forth. Many treatment programs are covered by health insurance as well, so the cost is often minimal.

Work concerns are also easily addressed. Many employers will offer time off for drug treatment and there are both federal and state laws that protect individuals from employer retribution if they seek drug treatment. In almost all cases, employers prefer their employees seek treatment than suffer the long-term effects of drug use.

The reward factor of drug use is precisely what drug treatment centers, like drug rehab in Old Bridge, are designed to address. While drug use is rewarding in some ways, it is hugely damaging in other ways.

Overcoming the reward response offered by drug use so that an individual can avoid the myriad negative consequences is the entire point of rehab. Call us today at (877) 804-1531 to learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Old Bridge.

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